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Will A Short Sale Work?
> Yes. With a successful Short Sale you will sell your unit and your lender will accept the proceeds of sale in full settlement of your mortgage.
Am I Eligible For A Short Sale?
> Yes. If your condo unit or house is worth substantially less than the amount of your mortgage, you are eligible for the SSS National Short Sale Solution Program.
Why Use SSS National?
> Because we already have investors that are willing to buy your unit at the fair market value your lender will accept.
> Because we specialize in working with owners of units in condominium projects.
> Because we are experts in Short Sales and WE CLOSE.
Costs and Timing?
charges ZERO FEES to the property
owner. As part of your enrollment
in the SSS National Short
Sale Solution Program we
will send you our Engagement Agreement
which provides a detailed description
of the terms and conditions of
our relationship with you.